Arxada invests in new research and technology facilities
Arxada has shown its commitment to Research and Technology in New Zealand with the opening of the new multi-disciplinary Laboratory in New Plymouth. This facility is a centre of expertise in Formulation, Analytical, Biology and Microbiological research and technology. Currently 2 Doctorates, 7 Scientists and growing are bringing new innovation to the country and the world.
Every day experiments in Crop Protection and Wood Protection are conducted. Novel studies into the control of fungus and insect attack in wood are trialed, looking for safer, more effective and more economical methods. New use patterns and combinations of chemistry are investigated for synergies in Agricultural production. Alternative methods for delivery are investigated, utilizing technologies such as capsules, nano-size particles and biocide composites.
This facility investigates the chemistry, the use patter and the method of delivery, making it a complete center of research, which is backed-up by a first-class Analytical Department that supports and verifies the results.